Providing Art For Health Care Facilities

Artists need to be aware of their own ability to affect others in new and unique ways, especially since their art needs to be experienced by others to accomplish its goal of sharing emotions. Keeping informed of local building projects, especially in the field of health care, is important to their work. There is a growing trend in the health care industry to include art as part of the design rather than as an afterthought.

There are many different venues within the health care industry where art can be applied with a better outcome for both the patients and staff. Waiting areas for emergency rooms and treatment centers are just two of the many places where visual arts can change the outlook of those who view it. In the waiting area for an emergency room it can provide both a distraction and a subtle aura of hope for those worried about their loved ones. In areas where patients spend a lot of time waiting, such as chemotherapy rooms, art can help them to cope with the time spent receiving treatment. It can deliver a message of solid grounding, hope and perseverance for those who battle cancer for their lives.

Health care professionals work daily in these two environments. Providing uplifting messages through art helps them to deal with the often long hours and frustrations of battling disease and injury. The staffs at health care facilities are as human as the patients. They have their own emotional needs that are magnified by their profession. Art can assist with stabilizing their moods, giving them a visual grounding so they can focus better on the needs of their patients in a hopeful manner during a difficult time.

It is the job of the artist to let the people who design health care facilities know they understand these needs and are able to provide art for their facilities. Artists need to provide a portfolio of their work and offer design suggestions for those seeking to provide a better experience in health care facilities.